Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 schedule on Thursday, December 12, 2024, due to cold temperatures and the potential for black ice.
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay Schedule.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 3 Schedule today, Wednesday , December 11, 2024.
Code 3 - Virtual Learning Day. Students, teachers, and counselors will work from home. Instruction will begin at 10:00 am and will follow the Virtual Learning Day Schedule.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 Schedule tomorrow, Friday, December 6, 2024, due to the cold temperatures and wind chill.
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay Schedule.

Coeburn Middle School will have Christmas pictures on Friday, December 6th. Due to missed days this week we will still collect money tomorrow and Friday. Please bring form and money to the CMS office. The cost is $30.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 Schedule tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, 2024, due to the forecasted weather for the morning hours.
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay Schedule.

Due to the 2 hour delay schedule for tomorrow, The Gifted & Talented Field Trip to the movies has been postponed to a later date.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, December 4, 2024, due to overnight temperatures. Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay schedule.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, December 3, 2024, due to overnight temperatures.
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay schedule.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 3 Schedule today, Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Code 3 - Virtual Learning Day. Students, teachers, and counselors will work from home. Instruction will begin at 10:00 am and will follow the Virtual Learning Day Schedule.

Good evening,
This is a reminder that we will have Christmas pictures on Friday, December 6th. Each student will receive an individual session for $30. Please book your session using the link on the Facebook page. We also have paper order forms that can be picked up in the office. Sessions must be booked and paid for by Wednesday, December 4th.

Due to a forecast of frigid temperatures and potential snowfall, Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 schedule on Tuesday, December 3, 2024!
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay Schedule.

Wise County Public Schools will operate on a Code 2 Schedule on Monday, December 2, 2024!
Code 2 is our 2-Hour Delay schedule.

Good evening. This is a reminder that The Town of Coeburn will have Home For Holidays downtown on Saturday, November 30th from Noon-8PM. Beta students who were originally signed up to work this event will not be required to work due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you!

Wise County Public Schools will be closed the week of November 25th for our Thanksgiving Break! We hope that all of our faculty, staff and students enjoy the break! We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday, December 2, 2024!

We will not have After School Remediation today, November 21st. We will resume on Tuesday, December 3rd.

Wise County Department of Social Services has initiated the D-SNAP program for residents of Wise County who were impacted by hurricane Helene.
The eligibility criteria for D-SNAP is less strict in order to provide food assistance to households that might not otherwise qualify for SNAP. *If you are not already a SNAP recipient* we will take in-person applications Monday, November 18, 2024 through Friday, November 22, 2024 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at 10365 Pinnacle Dive, Wise VA 24293.
Be sure to bring your ID when coming to apply. You will also need to be able to provide demographic information for all members of your household including Social Security Numbers. You must be in line before 6:00 pm Friday, November 22, 2024 to receive an application.
**Current SNAP recipients** do not need to apply. An automatic supplemental allocation will load to your EBT card by November 22, 2024.
Income availability limits are available via the link below.

Good evening,
Coeburn Middle School will be taking ALL students to UVA-Wise on Friday, November 22nd to watch our middle school basketball teams play against Norton. We will leave at 8:45 and return at noon. The admission is $2 and concession stands will be open! If you do not wish for your child to attend, please email dchurch@wisek12.org, dmooney@wisek12.org, or call the school.
Additionally, we will be having a magic show at 1:30 on this same date.

Good evening, this is a reminder that tomorrow, November 15th will be a 12:30 dismissal. We will be having DJ Bingo during lunches. It will be $1 to play!

Good evening, this is a reminder that tomorrow November 7th will be Picture Remake Day for Fall Pictures. This is for any student who was absent or is needing to have their picture retaken.

This is a reminder that Wise County Public Schools will be closed on Monday, November 4, 2024, and Tuesday, November 5, 2024. We look forward to students returning on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.