Provider Directory Search
To find a provider in the United Healthcare of the River Valley area:
Click on Find a Provider
Step 1: Choose Provider Network: Heritage Select
Step 2: Enter Provider Location: City, Zip, or County may be entered for search criteria
Step 3: Additional Search Criteria: To narrow the search for physicians/facilities, enter the name of the provider in this area.
Click Search.
To access the United Healthcare National Provider Directory.
These are providers outside of Wise County and the Tri-Cities area.
Step 1: Click on the link for UnitedHealthcare National Provider Directory (See highlighted link/example below)
Step 1 - Choose Provider Network
Provider Network
To expand your search to a broader area in the Western Iowa counties of Adams, Cass, Cherokee, Crawford, Freemont, Harrison, Ida, Lyon, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, O'Brien, Osceola, Page, Pottawattamie, Plymouth, Shelby, Sioux, Taylor, Woodbury or the Illinois counties in the UHC River Valley Expansion area, please use the UnitedHealthcare National Provider Directory link below. Those that have UnitedHealthcare Options PPO or UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus shown on the Member ID card also have access to the UnitedHealthcare National Provider Directory when traveling outside the service area.
Click here to access the UnitedHealthcare National Provider Directory
Click on the link for Choice Plus – Find a Physician or Facility listed on the bottom of the page.
Click on the Change Address link. Enter the address or city in which you are searching for a provider/facility.
Enter the physician/provider in the New Search box or a general search can be done by clicking on the provider types listed.